With Nastassia Arendse – Books on Point February 2021
SABC TV #OnPoint Interview: Rattling the Cage
Interview on 702 with Mandy Weiner
Five minutes about Rattling the Cage on Radio 702 with Mandy Weiner on Midday report
Robyn Sassen reviews: A Childhood Made Up
Link: The path through the shadow of the valley of mom’s illness “Meersman has a magnificent narrative skill. He writes with a great sense of detail that is not void of humour even in situations drenched with personal horror.”
Rattling the Cage: Extract in the Natal Witness
‘Rattling the Cage’ released
Rattling the Cage: Reflections on democratic South Africa is available for preorder and should be in stores next week. “History, big-picture philosophy, grassroots journalism and a novelist’s eye – animated by a genuine sense of moral indignation at the current …
Review in the Sunday Times
A poignant memoir of a humble and eccentric upbringing Review by Margaret von Klemperer
Click here for joint review on Business Day Wanted
Virtual launch and pop up signing for A Childhood Made Up
Join here. Cape Talk radio host Pippa Hudson in conversation with Brent Meersman, author of A Childhood Made Up: Living with my mother’s madness. Brent will sign and dedicate copies of his book – details will be advised on the …
Review in Rapport: A Childhood Made Up
Review in Rapport: “dapper” en “eerlik” – brave and honest
Interview with Nancy Richards for Country Life
Link: Country Life Podcast: Brent Meersman Nancy Richards chats to author Brent Meersman on the subject of his new novel “A childhood made up: Living with my mother’s madness”.