Books by Brent Meersman

Latest: Rattling the Cage (2021) A Childhood Made Up (2020) Homo Odyssey (2018) Sunset Claws (2017) 80 Gays around the World (2015) Five Lives at Noon (2013) Reports Before Daybreak...

Brent Meersman

Interview with Eusebius McKaiser – The Literature Corner Radio 702

Link to podcast interview here.

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Interview for Newtwerk24

Interview with AJ Opperman: Link here (pay wall). Image below from Die Burger newspaper:

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Karabo Kgoleng reviews A Childhood Made Up – Radio 702

Karabo Kgoleng reviews: A Childhood Made Up: Living with my mother’s madness

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Interview with Sue Grant-Marshall for Reading Matters on Radio Today

Interview podcast link here.

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Sunday Times jacket notes:

How and why I wrote ‘A Childhood Made Up’: Sunday Times 12 April 2020 “Faced by such a daunting task, I first wrote A Childhood Made Up as a novel, referring to myself in the third person. It was an extremely fast-paced, …

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Interview with Pippa Hudson on Cape Talk

CLICK LINK for podcast interview (10 minutes): A Childhood Made Up

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Amabookabooka interview with Jonathan Ancer

CLICK LINK: Quarantine reads: A Childhood Made Up

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Blown Away by Books

Catch me at the festival on 14 March in discussion on writing memoirs.

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Sunset Claws reviewed – “Meersman is one of this country’s best story tellers”

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Sunset Claws out 1 September 2017

At the Open Book Festival Sunset Claws: A chronicle of a generation  Sunset Claws follows a generation of South Africans from 1976 to the millennium as they struggle to come to terms with  what the birth of a nation has both given …

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